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  • Each student must partake in the annual school show.
  • During classes and rehearsals, physical corrections may be made to students to assist in preventing injury. This may include where a student is assisted in the performance of a movement or task, such as when they are stretching or for correct body positioning.
  • Any child who requires medication or inhalers must give this to the duty chaperone or teacher on the arrival of the class or performance day and it must be labelled clearly with the student’s name and dosage.
  • Students should be aware that some elements of classes may be physically demanding. Any medical condition should be notified upon enrolment. If any student develops a medical condition during their time at classes, details should be notified to Fi Steps immediately.
  • During classes and rehearsals, it is the responsibility of students to supply relevant refreshments. No student is allowed to leave during classes and rehearsals to obtain refreshments. Drinks may only be supplied in secure plastic containers/bottles. No canned drinks or glass bottles allowed.
  • Students are expected to attend Fi Steps one 2 hour class per week. Students must also be prepared to attend rehearsals when required – depending on production committed to.
  • Any student who is unable to attend classes should inform either The Principal or Teacher prior to class or rehearsal. Punctuality is considered essential and poor attendance may result in a student being excluded from Fi Steps.
  • Students must inform either The Principal when taking part in other Amateur or Professional Theatrical engagements.
  • Class fees do not include the provision of uniform, rehearsal CD’s or other such items which students are expected to provide for themselves at their own cost.
  • Classes and rehearsals may take place at locations other than the Fi Steps studios.
  • Any student wishing to withdraw from Fi Steps is required to give one complete months’ notice of withdrawal in writing to the Principal.
  • One representative per family to become a licensed chaperone unless physically unable.
  • All students over the age of 18 must be a licensed chaperone. See details in the pack.
  • Following each Annual Fi Steps school show students may or may not be offered a place back within Fi Steps.
  • Places are only held until the next Annual show.
  • One place each year will be offered to the student with the most dedication, commitment and hard work. This place will be half price for 6 months.

Payments & Fees

  • All monies payable in respect of Fi Steps is non-returnable.
  • Students may not be permitted to attend any classes or rehearsals unless all fees are paid in full and in advance of the commencement of the month or show.
  • Annual membership fee is payable on 1st Payment is taken direct from your bank account.
  • Annual School show fee is payable on 1st Payment is taken direct from your bank account.
  • Pay As You Go classes must be paid by cash only at class.
  • Main school monthly fees are taken on the 1st of the month via automated payment direct from your bank account
  • Fi Steps reserves the right to make reasonable increases in the fees from year to year.
  • Charges may be made by Fi Steps for late or returned payments.
  • On a sibling leaving Fi Steps no fees can be credited or offset against the remaining siblings fees. No fees are refundable. The remaining sibling will be placed on a single student fee from immediate effect.
  • A Sibling is defined as a Brother or Sister living at the same postal address

Exclusion and Expulsion

  • In the event that Fi Steps considers a student or parent to be in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions or any regulations from time to time by Fi Steps, or if behaviour of any student or parent are disruptive or likely to bring the school into disrepute, Fi Steps reserves the right to exclude them from this dance school.
  • In the event that the Principal considers that a student’s attendance is unsatisfactory or any student’s progress inadequate or that a student is not currently ready to perform, the Principal shall have the right to exclude that student from a particular performance or from Fi Steps.
  • Any decision to exclude any student will be taken by the principal and only after the student has been given a reasonable opportunity to state his or her case.
  • If a parent or family representative is found to be difficult or abusive (physically or verbally) to teachers, chaperones or the Principal, due to the decisions made by Fi Steps, they will be asked to leave the dance school.
  • In the event that any student is excluded or expelled, no fees or deposits will be repaid to the student.
  • Fi Steps is renowned for its team/family spirit and atmosphere and will not tolerate bullying or exclusion of fellow students. Students of all ages and abilities are expected to work together and support each other. Failure to do so could result in exclusion from the school.


  • Fi Steps may from time to time introduce regulations for the better of running the school which will have been notified to students. All students enrolled at Fi Steps shall be expected to adhere strictly to any and all such regulations

Venue parking / Class & Rehearsal Drop Off & Collection

  • We do not allow children to wait outside.  Parents must come in to collect children if they are still in school education.
  • Parents must notify Fi if a different adult is picking up their child/ren.
  • All these must be adhered to for the safety of every student.


  • Horsham – Millais School
  • Parking at Millais –parking in Millais Depot Road car park is allowed, this can get busy with other evening clubs at Millais, it is suggested to use the Highlands Road entrance and park in the tennis courts.    The 5.30pm-7.30pm parents have plenty of parking in the tennis courts.  Those collecting and dropping off students after 7.30pm should use our Depot Road car park, which will be busy as adult classes all start at 7pm.
  • Horsham – Capitol Theatre
    • Any classes held at the Capitol Theatre in Horsham. There is ONLY disabled parking at the side of the venue.  This area cannot be used as a drop off or a pick-up point during any rehearsal or class.  Parents / Guardians MUST use alternative parking such as the council parking opposite and walk across the road to collect their child.
    • During class change time – parents must park their cars and come in to building to collect their child.
    • Parents are not to block any through roads.
  • Horsham – Drill Hall
  • There is parking at the back of the Drill Hall but only available after 6pm on a weekday. This is now a through road to flats.  Parking for this venue is officially located at the Denne Road car park.  Only the front door of this building may be used as an entrance. Parking, dropping off and picking up is also not permitted directly at the front of the building.  This is a residential area and we do not want to upset or obstruct local resident’s homes.
  • Crawley – Hut 5 Dance Studio
  • There is a large amount of parking at the Crawley studio. It is very rare that anyone would have to walk very far!  Parents are not permitted to stop their cars directly outside the building as this will block the through road.
  • Crawley – Hawth Theatre
  • There is plenty of on-site parking at this theatre.

Limitation of Liability

  • The school shall accept no liability for the loss or damage to personal possessions of the students during classes, rehearsals or shows irrespective of whether such possessions might be used by the student for the purposes of classes.
  • It shall be the responsibility of any student at the school to maintain insurance against the loss or damage to personal possessions.
  • The school shall accept no liability for injury attending the school or any activity related to classes/rehearsals whether organised by the school or otherwise. Classes, rehearsals and shows are physical.


  • Due to Government Legislation no photographs or video footage may be taken during any show. Fi Steps have their own official photographer and where possible arrange a professional camera shoot of a show. Photos, videos and DVD’s that go on sale via the school are carefully monitored.


  • Fi Steps have their own professional website, On signing of this regulation you give permission for the use of pictures and video footage of   student to be used on website. At no time are names or details given of any student on the website.

Fi Steps Uniform

  • Full Fi Steps uniform must be worn for all classes and productions (as detailed above).
  • Students should bring all relevant dancewear to every class
  • Past show T-Shirts may be worn for rehearsals only.
  • Hair must be kept tidy. Girls: Hair to be fully scraped into high ponytail. Hair ties must be either black or matching student’s hair colour. No plastic hairbands.
  • No chewing gum in classes or rehearsals
  • No jewellery or watches to be worn in any classes or rehearsals
  • Black Ruche fronted Leotard (girls)
  • Black T-Shirt (boys)
  • Fi Steps T-Shirt
  • Sweat Shirt (DO NOT CUT)
  • Black Jazz Trousers (NO leggings)
  • Black Jazz Shoes
  • Black Socks
  • Black Leg Warmers (optional)
  • Black Knee Pads (optional, but advisable for older classes

All dancewear is available from Felix Dancewear on: 01903 721375

Fi Steps Merchandise is available directly from Fi via order form or from website shop

Theatre Rules & Regulations

  • All backstage areas including dressing rooms and toilet areas must be respected and left in the same condition as when performer arrives
  • Students will be allocated a dressing room area and must remain in this area unless going to or from the stage or otherwise requested.
  • Lights around mirrors must never be turned on – these get very hot and can burn
  • If there are any windows – nothing is to be thrown out of them
  • No smoking allowed anywhere within the theatre
  • No one allowed out of the theatre during rehearsals or performances
  • Allocated licensed chaperones, stage management and theatre staff must be listened to, obeyed and respected.
  • Full make up should be worn on stage. Only that provided by Fi Steps may be worn unless otherwise agreed. All students should arrive with only a base foundation make-up. This should be provided by the individual.
  • No jewellery, watches or other valuables may be worn on stage or taken to theatre. Fi Steps takes no responsibility to loss of any personal belongings.
  • Once out of dressing room areas, every student must remain silent. Not one word should be heard by any student in stage or wing areas. It is understandable that adrenaline levels are very high, but backstage areas must remain a place of calm in order for cues and calls may be heard and accidents avoided.
  • There must be no running or shouting in the dressing room. All students will need to hear their calls and when called or ready for cue must form an orderly line to go down to the stage area. The allocated Chaperone will be in charge of team co-operation and will report directly to the Company Manager.
  • There is to be no running in the backstage areas or corridors leading to the stage.
  • Each student must remain behind stage sight lines
  • No Chewing Gum, chocolate, or canned drinks allowed. No eating or drinking in the stage area or whilst wearing and costume being provided by Fi Steps.
  • All costumes are to be hung by relevant performer. Chaperones are present to assist in changes and safety not to pick up clothing!
    Students are responsible for each of their costumes. If mistreated then full replacement cost may be incurred.
  • Each student must arrive and be collected from the stage door area. Parents MUST sign in and out for all students still in full time education.
  • No parent other than acting licensed chaperone is allowed in any backstage area.
  • If performing away then student must travel to and from venue as part of team on allocated mode of transport.
  • Technical rehearsal days can be very fraught. They are principally for the technicians and backstage crew and a lot has to be achieved in a very short space of time. Everyone will need to be very patient. Times given are for guidance. Costumes are worn for this rehearsal.

Often with outside productions such as those in Fi Steps participate in, in the West End, it is often a stipulation that a certain number of ticket sales is adhered to.   Please make sure you are able to fulfil commitment before undertaking production. Agreed ticket sale costs would be incurred.