By agreeing to these terms and submitting the form, you confirm you are happy for the above-named student to attend socially distanced rehearsal sessions at the Fi Steps Tilgate Hut 5 & 19, or any other venue the school decides is suitable.
You also confirm you have read the parents and students guidance below issued by Fi Steps and will abide by the Covid-19 compliant rules (as set out by Fi Steps and the Government guidance) contained within, including (but not limited to):
- Ensuring you and the above-named student take all hygiene precautions (clean uniform, thorough washing of hands, etc)
- Remaining at least two metres apart from others outside your household, throughout the entire session
- Not to physically attend the rehearsal at the huts if the above-named student, yourself, anyone in your household displays symptoms or been in contact with anyone that displays symptoms consistent with Coronavirus, for two weeks.
- Inform Fi Steps immediately if the above-named student, yourself or anyone in your household displays symptoms consistent with Coronavirus, and when they became symptomatic. A contact number is required above in the event of contact tracing being required.If a child’s behaviour is deemed high risk (for example, refusing to adhere to safety measures such as hand washing, social distancing, or deliberate behaviours that put themselves or others at risk,) the student’s parents will be contacted immediately to remove the student from the class and they will not be allowed to return to the classes at the Huts until the Principle deems it safe to do so.
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, FI Steps requires some adjustments to be made to be able to return to the Huts for classes for the safety of all students and teachers.
Please read through the below information and it is required that ALL students fully understand these requirements.
Government guidelines are always to be adhered to and the steps set out below MUST be followed by every student, even though these may be set higher than what is required by the government.
Should a student not follow any requirements set out in this document or as required by the government then they will not be allowed to attend the class at the huts.
Before Attending The Class At The Hut
Students will only attend if they can confirm that neither themselves, anyone in their household or anyone they have been in contact with, displays any symptoms consistent with Coronavirus. If so then they are not to attend classes at the huts for at least two weeks (they can continue with the class via Zoom). This includes where the student may have been in large groups/crowds or been overseas.
Arrivals, Departures and Moving Around
Students will wait at the front of the hut, outside with ONE of their parents/carers, whilst maintaining social distancing from others. Before entering it will be compulsory that the teacher will take each students temperature, if OK the student will be allowed to enter the class and the parent/carer may then leave the student. Students are then to go straight to their designated ‘break spot’ area. Parents/carers will not be allowed to enter the huts. If their temperature is not OK, then the student will be sent home.
Student will only be allowed to enter the hut with:
- Dancing shoes
- Enough water, in a bottle with a lid (there will be no facilities to re-fill water bottles)
- Medication and medical equipment
NB: Student will NOT be allowed to bring their mobile phones in with them.
At their designated home time, the students will leave the building through the back of the hut where ONE member of their family will wait (socially distanced) at the designated pick up area (to the side of the hut). Again, there should be no reasons for parents/carers to enter the site.
Movement around the hut will be limited and controlled by the teachers. They will always keep 2m apart when moving around. Each student will be given a designated numbered spot & numbered break spot on the dance floor. The break spot will be where the student can place their drink, shoes and medication (nothing else can be placed here). Students must have a responsibility for their own belongings and make sure they are not shared with other students. If any clothing is required to be taken off during class (i.e. a jumper) then it is to be tied round their waist for the remainder of the session.
Handwashing and Hygiene
Students will be expected to follow all hand washing and hygiene routines as set out by the government. Students will wash hands/use antibacterial hand gel:
- before entering the hut
- before leaving the hut
- whenever they have left their designated numbered area, for example when returning fromthe toilets
- or when required throughout the class.
Students will be reminded not to touch their face, mouth, nose or eyes while at Fi Steps. It will also be required that students do not touch or go to any area that is not their designated area.
Social Distancing
Students will always be expected to socially distance from all other class attendees, inside and while outside. They will have their own designated space inside which they will be expected to go straight to and nowhere else in the room. Students will put their hand up if they need adult support rather than come up to them.
First Aid & Illness
If minor medical attention is required, then the teacher will follow the first aid requirements and try to remain socially distanced where possible. Although if they are unable to remain socially distanced, then the teacher will wear protective equipment and if required then the parent will be required to come and collect the student immediately from the hut.
Toilets & Break Times
Students will be able to use the toilets at the Huts, one at a time. When a child has finished in the toilet, they must thoroughly wash their hands after.
Students will be expected to remain socially distant from peers and teachers during break times. They will be expected to remain in their designated space during this time.